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Professional Website for FBN Quest Merchant Bank

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Home Page of FBN Quest Merchant Bank.

Project Details

Project Details

Clean and responsive website developed for FBN Merchant Bank featuring UI/UX Mobile optimized, banner design, copy writing, integration of search, jQuery sliders, customer accounts and much more.  

Website was hosted on Websitemint platform  – an intuitive web development framework with Integrated enterprise content management system. Professional  cloud hosting services / amazon Web service with built-in modules and widgets such as Integrated email and SMS marketing, site statistics and insights.


Brief Essentials CS Cart Website March 2021 - STB
The above shows the Brief Essentials Home Page using CS Cart. Brief Essentials Migrated from Woo Commerce to CS Cart. Website Redevelopment was complete in March of 2019.
Brief Essentials Home Page, Responsive E-Commerce Solution using Magento 2. Migrated Data - Customer, Sales, Products and so on from Magento 1.

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